Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Next year remember to include the specific differences between High concept and Low concept advertising.

The four strategies project is excellent.  Retain exemplars!

Colour and Branding (video) (colour chart)

11 million dollar christmas tree (show the hotel people)

Consider using fundraising campaigns as examples:  ie SPCA, Unicef .... Compare them, which are the most successful.  Why?  Analyse - so many of these girls are SPCA suckers!

Monday, 6 December 2010


Monday, 29 November 2010

Ad Campaign Links

Analyzing an Ad Compaign

Campaign Presentations 5-7minWhat is the campaign?
Why was it created?
Who created it?
For whom was it created? (demographic)
How was the campaign presented: by what media?
A.I D.A.
Concluding remarks
• Success of campaign
• Awards?
• End of campaign

Sony Bravia exampleBravia, Colour Like No Other 2006-2009
Created to overcome Sony’s drop in market share of TV sales due to high cost of Bravia TVs against cheaper rivals

Who created? Fallon Advertising:

For whom? Wide ranging demographic of males and females ages 25-55 who want quality images on their TV

Media: Driven by the TV ads, supported by a web site, magazine ads, billboards. The campaign almost immediately went viral

A. The setting for each commercial, established with a wide-angle shot

I. The introduction of colour and shapes out of context to the setting

D. The actions of the colourful shapes in harmony with the music

A. The slogan, logo, and website address
Concluding Remarks
  • Great success, sales went up dramtically, other ads for other Sony products created in same format
  • Won awards, including best ad campaign 2006
  • By 2009, campaign losing steam, Sony moves in new direction with Kaka ad to focus on HD Bravia and sports


Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Marketing Portfolio

Create a product to sell.

Market Research (!?) - see media studies 20 
Design a logo for that product.

Use the Ogilvy method to develop a print ad.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Final Presentations

1.     Work on Presentations related to summaries (what are these going to look like?)

o   What is the publication you were responsible for?
o   What have they said about your topic?  (technology, environment, poverty)
o   What are the biases of your publication? (this needs to be taught)
o   What is the overall relevance of the articles you have read?  Considered together, what should we be thinking about in relation to ‘environment, technology, poverty?)

Editing Workshop in Warman

It went well, except for the technological glitches.  I am not sure I would do it again without a guarantee of better editing computers.

Also, it definitely needs to be a full day workshop.


Find examples of coercion in print media (magazines)
Cut out three examples

1 - Describe the ad
2 - Who is responsible for the ad and what is being advertised?
3 - What elements of the ad are coercive?

Find three examples from the Internet.

Find four examples of successful logos

1 - Look at the logos you chose.  What do you think makes a successful logo?


  1. Create curiosity
  2. Provide answers to a question or solutions to a problem
  3. Include a key benefit

    You can create curiosity by asking a provocative question, making a seemingly outrageous statement, or creating amusing headlines through word play, alliteration, and take-offs on familiar phrases or cliches.
    By informing the readers of the benefits or solutions, you answer the question foremost in their minds, "What's in it for me?".
    Headlines should be short. Seven words or less is a good rule of thumb. Headlines should not be deceptive and they must support the body of the ad. 
Remember - the most important job of an advertisement is to grab your attention.  The main tools for this are

    a) Image
    b) Headline

Weekly summary round-up.

5 step 'Ogilvy method'.

  1. Visual
  2. Caption
  3. Headline
  4. Copy
  5. Signature (Advertisers name, contact information)
in that order.
Show an example.  Student job:
Choose a product and use publisher to create your own 'Ogilvy method' advertisement.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Follow up to Coercion Introduction

Read introduction to Coercion (see Reading Guide)

Here is an excellent follow-up article about facebook and how marketers harvest that information:

Monday, 15 November 2010

History of Technology

(Note - this belongs at the beginning of the course)

Actually - idea for next year:

Do the course chronologically.

Begin with newspapers
Ad radio
Then print advertising
Video Games

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Who Really Owns the Internet?

This is one of the questions this course should really be answering, and at the moment... we aren't doing it.

A couple of quotations at the top of this page are good examples of what we should be looking at.  Certainly, this is what I wish students would consider.  This is perhaps better than writing movie reviews.  I need to streamline this course.  More content.  Stricter deadlines.

The link above is actually CHAPTER 7 of Coercion.  This is probably more valuable than reading the fucking introduction!

Coercion summaries:

"The larger question, of course, is whether persuasive technology is a good idea at all when talking about turning a machine as soulless as a computer into what is essentially a propaganda engine."
--Denise Caruso, The New York Times

"We sell audience, not content."
Jonathan Sacks, AOL (from my IB1 Blog)

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Film Projects

 The Pitch:

Series of negotiations leading to the following projects:

Photostory (short)
Making a film review website
Films:  School Tracker, Documentary, Horror
Series of Film Reviews
youtube clip mash up montage

Start planning next unit.  What is up?

Note:  Next year there will be a journal keeping component to film projects.
              - What did you learn today?
              - What did your group accomplish today?
              - What did you personally accomplish today?
              - What will you do tomorrow to ensure that your shooting is better (either in terms of group
                 dynamics and efficiency, or quality of filming)

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Genre: Horror

Introduced the conventions of genre (could use a good definition)

Went over the specifics of the conventions of 'horror'

Watched 'Frankenstein' intro clip (Dr. Frankenstein creating his monster)
Watched 'Frankenstein' ruining the wedding prep

Watched the Thriller video in full identifying

It all seems to tie in.

Tomorrow questions:

a) Why does genre exist?

• the importance of expectation and audience pleasure;
• the fluidity of genres and the constant renegotiation between industry and audience through the combination of the familiar and the unexpected;
• the relationship between audiences and producers to minimise financial risk;
• the cultural dimension; myths and fears played out through repetition, innovation and resolution;
• the ideological level: genres offering reassurance and closure on the complexities of life. 

Note: Genres are like family members - they resemble each other, but no two are alike.
          Genres are constantly blending and changing - but they retain a constant set of iconography expected by the audience.

Look at some Horror movie posters (and synergy posters!)

In groups - pitch me a horror film
  Must include conventions of the horror genre:

After viewing the film:

Handout "Elements of Horror"

a) Fill it in related to the film
b) Fill it in related to your own work
c) Pairs are responsible for the creation of a short script and a movie poster.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Documentary Film

Amazing is their continued interest in Bowling for Columbine

First = Conventions

Second = Modes and Genres

Motifs in Bowling for Columbine

Themes in Bowling for Columbine

What genre is Bowling for Columbine?

        Explain how Michael Moore develops a particular argument by pairing specific conventions to a documentary mode.

Motifs:  Guns, Violence, Evening News, NRA, Government, bullets, Fear, South Park, Columbine, 'Weapons of Mass Destruction', police,

(Minimum 5 paragraph essay)

Monday, 20 September 2010


Editorial  (with handout)
Editorial Editing

Parts of the Newspaper (with handout)
Ideas for news articles in a 'Hague High' newspaper.\

Article Writing.
Editing and Construction of the newspaper


On blog so far you should have (list all)

Tuesday a) Get blog addresses  b) remind to save poster as jpeg 
              c) Freedom of speech etcc... into dividing topics for writing newspaper.
  • Have you heard the term "freedom of speech"?
  • Where does this phrase come from?
  • What is the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and how does it affect freedom of speech?
  • Do you think we have freedom of speech in Canada? Why or why not?
  • Should we have complete freedom of speech, so we can say anything we want?"
If the class as a whole seems to agree that "yes, we should have total freedom of speech" ask them:
  • Should racist remarks be allowed in the classroom?
  • Should a teacher be allowed to swear in a classroom?
  • Is it okay to tell lies and spread rumours about other classmates?
If the class as a whole seems to agree that "no, we should not have total freedom of speech" ask them:
  • Do you think newspapers should get permission from the person they are writing about before a story is printed?
  • What if the person won't give permission?
  • What if a story is important and the key person won't give permission? For example, if you found out that the principal was embezzling money from the school, do you think the principal would give you permission to print the story?
          What a newsworthy topics for a Hague High newspaper?  (on big paper?)
Explain to students that space in a newspaper is an issue. Space costs money and we only have so much money, therefore, we only have so much space.

Upside down triangle – more to less so that the end can be cut.
Headline – Byline – Lead.
1.  First paragraph

In your first one or two sentences tell who, what, when, where, and why. Try to hook the reader by beginning with a funny, clever, or surprising statement. Go for variety: try beginning your article with a question or a provocative statement.
2.  Second/Third/Fourth paragraphs

Give the reader the details. Include one or two quotes from people you interviewed. Write in the third person (he, she, it, they). Be objective -- never state your opinion. Use quotes to express others' opinions!
3. Last paragraph

Wrap it up somehow ( don't leave the reader hanging. Please don't say...."In conclusion" or "To finish..." (yawn!) Try ending with a quote or a catchy phrase.
  • Use active words (verbs that show what's really happening.)
  • Take notes when you interview. Write down quotes!
  • Tell the really interesting info first!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

End of Unit 1 Beginning Unit 2

Post Synergy (both image and explanation) and Editorial to blog.

Creation of school newspaper

- Reporters
- Writers
- Editors
- Design and Layout

1) The pitch (find and present stories - followed by a vote by the editorial board)
2) Deadline for articles:  Thursday
     Deadline for completed newspaper:  Monday


Friday, 10 September 2010

Unit 1 Terminology

Early Adopter
The paradox of Coolhunting
Horizontal Integration
Ancillary Markets
The feedback loop

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Beginning Media Studies

Defining 'Mass Media'

Create a blog

Merchants of Cool

Chapter 2 from Fast Food Nation

Sorting out relationships between conglomerates (see terminology)

Week 3

(Should be asking 'How to Rebel' in a society is pre-packaged?)  but, I need to start on news so that students can begin their newspaper work.

a) Discuss the relationship between Mcdonalds and Disney as discussed in Fast Food Nation, and compare with similar relationships in Merchants of Cool.

Project should include:

- Notes on what you found with the URL attached.
-  One page precis of the overall work including:
 A concise summary of essential points, statements, or facts

Saturday, 28 August 2010

The Story of Stuff

Maybe also useful (maybe more useful) with the grade 8 English class to work on summarising.

(Check the green 'Resources' book to see if there is a section of summary writing.  May be useful for everyone.)

Also worth analysis is MTV Switch (See Holmes' blog plus the idea of greenwashing)


ARGH!  Where are my copies of No Logo and Fast Food Nation?  Reminder: Leaving books behind is always a bad idea!

Read (intro and chapter 1?) of Fast Food Nation  (online or otherwise?)

(PBS/Coolhunters/a study of Documentary Film/ NGO,IGO,Multinationals "how do they represent themselves? what is the bias? what do they say about themselves? what do others say about them?" , examples of student power points?)

Fast Food Nation Introduction

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Week 2

Show Merchants of Cool?

Multimedia essay "Synergy"
- Combine the idea of 'cool' with ownership and marketing (ala Billy Idol)

Have students go here and summarise the information:

Read Chapter 2 of Fast Food Nation
- Information regarding 'synergy', particularly through the McDonald's and Walt Disney partnership.
- Teach annotation.

Fast Food Nation on Google Books:

Find/create an exemplar for the multimedia essay.


Period 1 -
                Read next section of FFN
                Discussion Questions.
                Merchants up to 17 minutes (maybe more?)
                Blog a summary of the work so far
                Add definitions of work
                List - what does Disney own?
                Google docs, blog address share
                Share 'What is Cool?" responses

Period 2 -
               20 minutes to prepare 'What is cool?' presentations
               Read next section of FFN
Friday is Merchants plus summary of sections

Next week is news so that we can begin school newspaper creation.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Days 1 -2

Branded Me (have I got examples)

- Identify brands in the classroom
- Identify brands owned by yourself

Create a blog:
 - Have a student type and create the class blog on the beamer
 - Students go to computers and create blogs. 

Post #1
- Branded me (lists)

Post #2
 - Company logos representing the companies each owns.
Research the big conglamorates

     What do they own?
              Sony, Disney, Viacom, General Electric, CBS, Warner Brothers.

Post #3
h/w Make a list of brands in your home.

Day 2
What do these brands say about you?  What does each brand say about itself?

Research the big conglamorates

Define:  Mass Media

Chart types/   /    /   /


Course Essentials

Food Inc. companion questions