Sunday 14 November 2010

Who Really Owns the Internet?

This is one of the questions this course should really be answering, and at the moment... we aren't doing it.

A couple of quotations at the top of this page are good examples of what we should be looking at.  Certainly, this is what I wish students would consider.  This is perhaps better than writing movie reviews.  I need to streamline this course.  More content.  Stricter deadlines.

The link above is actually CHAPTER 7 of Coercion.  This is probably more valuable than reading the fucking introduction!

Coercion summaries:

"The larger question, of course, is whether persuasive technology is a good idea at all when talking about turning a machine as soulless as a computer into what is essentially a propaganda engine."
--Denise Caruso, The New York Times

"We sell audience, not content."
Jonathan Sacks, AOL (from my IB1 Blog)

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