Monday 23 August 2010

Days 1 -2

Branded Me (have I got examples)

- Identify brands in the classroom
- Identify brands owned by yourself

Create a blog:
 - Have a student type and create the class blog on the beamer
 - Students go to computers and create blogs. 

Post #1
- Branded me (lists)

Post #2
 - Company logos representing the companies each owns.
Research the big conglamorates

     What do they own?
              Sony, Disney, Viacom, General Electric, CBS, Warner Brothers.

Post #3
h/w Make a list of brands in your home.

Day 2
What do these brands say about you?  What does each brand say about itself?

Research the big conglamorates

Define:  Mass Media

Chart types/   /    /   /

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