Saturday 28 August 2010

The Story of Stuff

Maybe also useful (maybe more useful) with the grade 8 English class to work on summarising.

(Check the green 'Resources' book to see if there is a section of summary writing.  May be useful for everyone.)

Also worth analysis is MTV Switch (See Holmes' blog plus the idea of greenwashing)


ARGH!  Where are my copies of No Logo and Fast Food Nation?  Reminder: Leaving books behind is always a bad idea!

Read (intro and chapter 1?) of Fast Food Nation  (online or otherwise?)

(PBS/Coolhunters/a study of Documentary Film/ NGO,IGO,Multinationals "how do they represent themselves? what is the bias? what do they say about themselves? what do others say about them?" , examples of student power points?)

Fast Food Nation Introduction

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